Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.
Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.
Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.
Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.
Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.
Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.
Directed by Pablo Larraín (JACKIE) and starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas, MARIA reimagines the legendary diva in her final days as she reckons with her identity and life. Get tickets HERE.