To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the legendary LUPIN THE 3rd anime franchise, Sentai and TMS Entertainment (TMS) are proud to host the world premiere of the English dub of LUPIN THE 3rd PART 1, Episode 1, presented alongside the first two subtitled episodes of the eagerly awaited series LUPIN THE 3rd PART 6 in theaters for a limited-time, special engagement.
Get tickets HERE.
LUPIN THE 3rd PART 1 Episode 1, made its broadcast debut 50 years ago on October 24, 1971. The special theatrical engagement will grant fans exclusive early-bird access to premiere the brand-new English dub version of LUPIN THE 3rd PART 1, Episode 1 as well as the latest animated LUPIN THE 3rd series, LUPIN THE 3rd PART 6, Episodes 0 and 1.
Sentai is honored to bring the next chapter of this beloved and influential series to theaters, where fans can experience the thrilling, high-flying escapades of Lupin III on the big screen. To watch the complete LUPIN THE 3rd PART 6 anime series, fans should visit Sentai’s streaming partner, HIDIVE, where the series will stream in full.